
Welcome to Simply Organized Life! I am so glad you are here. Make your self a cup of tea and stay awhile. 

All My Best,  Carolyn

Nurturing Daily Rituals

In January, I shared my organized morning routine. A few of you reached out to me via e-mail, telephone and even at my local gym after reading last month's posts.

Thank you all who reached out and all who faithfully read my bi-monthly posts. I am so grateful for each and every one of you!

As promised, for February we continue the conversation around daily rituals. Later this month, I will share my afternoon routines.

In a world that tells us to seek more, I am very intentional in seeking less and providing daily rituals that nurture myself and my family.

This is is what works for my lifestyle. I encourage you to dig deep into your soul to find out what works best for you, your family and your life circumstances.

If you have a lot of clutter blocking you from living your best life, consider signing up for my seminar titled "Free Yourself from Clutter in 2017".

As always, I would love to hear from you. Please comment below and share your favorite daily ritual.

All My Best,


Organized Afternoons

Organized Afternoons

My Organized Morning Routine

My Organized Morning Routine