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All My Best,  Carolyn

"We Can Do Hard Things"

"We Can Do Hard Things"


Tahquamenon Falls State Park Back in June, I wrote about setting my intentions for a fabulous summer. I am happy to report that, all in all, summer 2016 was a success!

The highlight of our summer was a trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, which is remote, wild and wonderful. My kids swam in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. We packed lunches and ate on sparsely populated beaches. And we hiked. One day, we hiked a long way.

I naively convinced my family (husband, two young kids and dog) to hike the four mile trail from the Tahquamenon Upper Falls to Lower Falls. Really, how hard could a four mile hike be?

As the trail became more narrow and treacherous, I asked some folks going the opposite direction if we were halfway. They laughed. We were less than a mile in. Nonetheless, we were determined to continue and finished our hike, quite tired.

I would do it again. It was rare, uninterrupted time with family in nature, on a beautiful summer day. And now, when my kids are a bit whiny about something that seems difficult, I remind them of our four mile hike and tell them, "We can do hard things."

Some days, I have to give myself this reminder too. As my kids head back to school this month, I need to get myself back on track for doing hard things of a different sort (read more in my next post).

As always, please share your summer adventures and "hard things" you have accomplished of late.

All My Best,


4 Steps to Get Back on Track

4 Steps to Get Back on Track

Product Review:  Kidecals

Product Review: Kidecals