
Welcome to Simply Organized Life! I am so glad you are here. Make your self a cup of tea and stay awhile. 

All My Best,  Carolyn

Are Stress Free Holidays Possible?

Are Stress Free Holidays Possible?


Chicago, Illinois, October 2015 I'm not sure if totally stress free holidays are really possible, but I am always hopeful. Which is why this year, I am preparing and planning for the holidays even earlier than last year. It turns out that letting things go until the last minutes doesn't work for me.

Last year, I felt a lot of stress around the holidays. I was overwhelmed by my day to day to-do list and even more so with the additional holiday tasks. This year, I want to enjoy the holidays more. This might mean letting a few things go.

Speaking of letting things go, did you participate in the October Declutter Challenge? If so, I would love to hear how it went. If not, it's never too late to declutter!

My physical decluttering challenge was put on hold for one weekend in October when I drove to Chicago to hear Dr. Shefali Tsabary speak. I had seen and resonated with Dr. Shefali's message on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday. In person, Dr. Shefali was the real deal: super smart, funny and amazingly insightful.

My notebook is filled with key points from Dr. Shefali and the other speakers (Jim Dethmer, Rev. Lola Wright and Annmarie Chereso)

in the photo above. As we move into the holiday season, I ask myself the question Dr. Shefali offered at the end of her talk:  "How am I impacting the world around me?"

It is my hope and desire to be of positive service to the world around me including: my children, spouse, friends, family, clients and community members. Every day I work toward that goal of positive service in small ways like letting go of the physical, emotional and spiritual clutter that holds me back.

How do you want to impact the world around you? I really want to know! Please give me a call or send an e-mail. I would love to learn from you and walk this path together!

All My Best,



Three Tips to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

Three Tips to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

Declutter Challenge

Declutter Challenge