
Welcome to Simply Organized Life! I am so glad you are here. Make your self a cup of tea and stay awhile. 

All My Best,  Carolyn

Choosing Simplicity and Ease

Take lemons and make lemonade! February 2016 might have been the month when things fell apart for me, but April 2016 was good, really good.

April was filled with joyful events that, in the past, might have thrown me off or required a great deal of research and recovery time. So I ask myself, "What was different this time? What made April so enjoyable?"

I think the answer lies with choosing simplicity and ease. I kept my routines simple, my spaces organized and my mind as clear as possible. I took the easy way and here's what happened:

Our spring break travels actually felt refreshing. We skipped the detailed itinerary and shopping. Instead, we enjoyed good food, simple adventures and each other's company.

When hosting a children's party at our home, we kept the plan loose, letting the kids play freely outside without much structure. We offered the children simple food, store bought cupcakes and a marshmallow roast in the backyard. I choose not to buy party favors. Everyone had a good time, including me.

My husband and I made a major purchase and I choose to be a "Satisficer" avoiding hours of research and painful decision making. I trusted my gut.

This is not to say that every moment was rosy, but the moments of overwhelm and anxiety are fewer and farther between than ever before.

As a recovering perfectionist, I have spent years trying to make the "perfect" vacation, party, purchase, you name it. I'll tell you what....trying to make things "perfect" is exhausting and not a lot of fun. I've been there.

I share this because it's validating and I am willing to guess that may of you are or have felt overwhelmed or anxious in your day to day life.

My business mentor, Barbara Hemphill, says that "Clutter is Postponed Decisions". Often our clutter or "postponed decisions" stem from making things harder than they need to be.

Our lives can be complicated or we can choose simplicity and ease. I am finding joy in the later.

All My Best,



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