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All My Best,  Carolyn

Get Control over Keepsakes and Memorabilia

Get Control over Keepsakes and Memorabilia


In my post, "Conquer Paper Clutter",  we learned that there are only three choices you need to make with every paper that comes into your life:

  1. File: Items we need, or want, to keep.
  2. Act: These are the papers that require us to do something. With memorabilia, maybe we want to make a scrapbook, frame art work or share with others. Action items must be kept separate from other papers.
  3. Toss: By toss I mean recycle, shred, burn....just make it go away!

In this post, I attempt to get to the core of a reader question regarding the choices we need to make surrounding memorabilia and keepsakes.

My business mentor, Barbara Hemphill, says that "Clutter is Postponed Decisions®". I believe that a lot of our angst surrounding keepsakes comes down to tough decision making. Before organizing any memorabilia, let's ask ourselves (and perhaps journal on) the following questions:

  • Why do I keep memorabilia?
  • Which items would my future self want?
  • Which items would my family want years from now?
  • What gives me joy at this point in time?

When ​we have a clearer idea of what we want memorabilia to do for us and how we want to live now, often the decision-making process becomes easier.

That being said, paper clutter will enter your homes and offices. In my home the kitchen desk often becomes a dumping ground for papers and kid stuff (see unedited photo below).

Carolyn's Kitchen Desk (unedited)

This area of my home often looks cluttered, but typically can be cleared in a matter of minutes. On most weekends, I file away only very special items, act on things I didn't get to during the week and toss the rest.

Admittedly, during the busy summer months excess clutter does get shifted to my office. I wrote about that in the October 2014 edition of "Your Simply Organized Life" (subscribe above). We cannot escape clutter, but we can change our approach to it.

Do you feel overwhelmed by paper clutter? I would love to be of service to you! Fill out the Productive Environment Scorecard and Carolyn will contact you to schedule your complementary 30 minute Discovery Session via telephone.

When Things Fall Apart

When Things Fall Apart

Answering a Reader Question

Answering a Reader Question