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All My Best,  Carolyn

How to Close Open Loops & Find More Joy

Almost all of us have things undone that nag at our spirit. We can ignore these open loops for days or even years. They still chatter at us in the back of our head, stealing joy from our day to day lives.
Here's how to close the open loops and find more joy.
  1. Narrow the Focus---Truth be told, most of us are just plain trying to do too much these days. Instead of trying to do lots of tasks halfway, try taking just one task to completion and see how it feels. I like to think of this as extreme uni-tasking. The results are extreme too.
  2. Eliminate Distractions---Sometimes the open loop is the distraction. If that is the case, clear it out ASAP. For me information overload and social media were distracting me from my most important work. Dramatically limiting my media consumption, particularly Facebook, has increased by productivity and happiness.
  3. Focus on Flow---For years I have been a slave to my calendar and to-do list. I love these tools. They help me remember and be productive. AND whenever possible, I follow flow, asking myself "What do I want to do right now?" This is sometimes referred to as inspired action. When I can follow flow, I often get more done, with more ease, and in the process, tick several things off my to-do list.
  4. Just Do--Sometimes we can be paralyzed by resistance. Resistance leads us away from our best selves. Instead of getting off our backsides and doing something, resistance can lead us to believe if only we had another snack, the right book, or more stuff we'd know just what to do and how. It's often better just to start something, anything. You'll know if it's resistance or not.

Please share in the comments below your best tips for closing open loops!

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Dreaming of a Tidy Home

Closing Open Loops

Closing Open Loops