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All My Best,  Carolyn

Three Tips to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

Three Tips to Avoid Holiday Overwhelm


My husband cutting down our 2014 Christmas tree. How did you feel last year during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to the New Year? If you felt great and were on top of everything, please give me a call, because I need some of that!

For those of you who felt overwhelmed like I shared in my last post, read on friends, these tips are for you (and me)!

Here are three quick tips to help you stress a little less this holiday season:

1) Let Go---As a recovering perfectionist, I have to remind myself that no amount of planning will bring the perfect holiday season. That's right, the perfect holiday season does not exist! Your kids will misbehave, the turkey might not turn out right and it's so easy to fall into the busy trap. Ask yourself now: "What can I let go?"

2) Plan---Now that we know planning does not make perfect, we can plan for what we love about the holidays. Dig deep down into your personal and family values. Choose those activities and events that bring the greatest joy. Try your hardest to let go of those traditions that lack significance.

3) Declutter---Take a good look at your space, your time and your calendar. What fits with your above plans and what needs to leave? The surface clutter ebbs and flows in my home, but during October's Declutter Challenge I realized that my kids have way too much stuff. Those piles in my kids' closets are my focus the next few weeks leading up to Christmas.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the holidays? I would love to be of service to you! Contact Carolyn if you need help letting go of clutter before the holidays. We always start with a complementary 30 minute Discovery Session via telephone.

Year End Survey

Year End Survey

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Are Stress Free Holidays Possible?