All in get organized

Accountability for 2020

For 2020, I would like to explore the possibility of finding an accountability partner or creating a small accountability group. If this is something you are interested in, please comment below or reply to this message. I am looking for women who are available during the school day with a strong interest in personal growth. You need not have school aged children to participate. You do need to bring positive energy and motivation.

31 Days of FlyLady BabySteps

For the last 31 days I have been walking through the FlyLady BabySteps over on Instagram Stories (currently available in the highlights section on my Instagram profile). This exercise turned out different than I expected. As with most of us when we start something new, the first few days I was eager to share each step. Around day 12 my excitement waned, as I realized that I had cherry picked the FlyLady habits and implemented them in a very different order than the website suggests. The "official" order felt convoluted to me.